Changing projects and phases

Should it become necessary to change the specifications of a project during runtime, you may change its time frame, i.e. start and completion dates, as well as add new phases (see previous section) and change or delete existing ones. You may also change name, attributes, and progress.

In order to change a project,

      select  File    Change    Properties  in the top menu of the project. The action form has three sections: ‘General’, where you may change name, tags, description and time frame of the project; ‘Progress’, where you can change the progress of a project manually (see above); ‘Attributes’, where you can change the attributes of a project.

      In the section ‘General’, the latest start date and the earliest completion date are in­di­cat­ed below the respective fields. These dates follow from the time frames of the phases of the project. If there are no phases in the project or if the project phases have no user-defined start or completion date, start and completion dates of possibly existing subordinate tasks are taken into account: the earliest start of a subordinate task is taken as latest project start and the latest completion date of a subordinate task is taken as the earliest completion date of the project.

You delete phases of a project as you would delete other objects using action  Delete  in the action menu of a phase.

You can change name, tags, description, time frame, progression and attributes of a phase in the same manner as with projects.

      Select action  Change    Properties  in the action menu of the phase. The action form again has three sections: ‘General’, where you may change name, tags, description and time frame of the phase; ‘Progress’, where you can change the progress of a phase manually (see above); ‘Attributes’, where you can change the attributes of a phase.

      In the section ‘General’, the latest start date and the earliest com­pletion date are indicated below the respective fields. The earliest start of a phase is the start of the containing project. If the start of the project has not been defined, the start of the phase has to be before the latest start date, which follows from the earliest start of possibly existing subordinate tasks. The earliest completion date of the phase follows from latest completion date of possibly existing subordinate tasks. If a com­pletion date has been defined for the containing project, this date is also the latest com­pletion date of the phase.