Information about current access rights

For each object, the access rights table on the object’s info page shows the current access rights.

      Select action  Information    General  or click the info icon to the left of the object’s type icon to display its info page.

The ‘Access rights’ table has a row for each predefined role and each user-defined role (if any) for the folder. The table shows for each role which users have been assigned to the re­spective role and which actions are permitted for this role (and thereby also for the holders of the respective role).

If a role has been changed for this object, the additional actions are underlined and the no longer permitted actions are struck through. If you cannot detect any underlined or struck through actions, the role definition corresponds to the predefined default.

Underlining or striking through of role members in the table indicates that the users concerned have been assigned to an additional role (underlined) or have lost a role they held when invited to the workspace. Also see next section about explicit role assignment.

You can also have an overview of the access rights for workspaces and all folders contained there­in in the form of table.

      Select  File    Access Rights  in the top menu of the workspace or select action  Information    Access Rights  in the action menu of the workspace in a folder listing.

The table lists the roles, the role members and the action groups allowed for the workspace itself and all its subfolders. The actions belonging to an action group are displayed in the tooltip of the action group. Position your cursor over the name of an action group to have the tooltip shown.

If an action group is struck through, certain actions of the group are not allowed for the cor­responding role. The tooltip shows which actions are concerned. If the action group is given in bold and struck through, the whole group is not allowed for the corresponding role. Under­lining of an action group indicates that this group is not part of the standard scope of the role, but that some actions of this group are allowed for the role concerned. The tooltip shows the actions (underlined) which are allowed for the role. When the action group is given in bold and underlined, all actions of the group are allowed.

With self-defined roles which are initially empty and allow no actions. All action groups allowed are underlined.

Note: The action groups Change ext. and Share ext. of the role Creator do not have the stan­dard scope, but are restricted with regard to the actions allowed. This is not specifically indic­ated, but visible from the respective tooltips.

Underlining and striking through of role members has the same meaning as in the access rights table of the info page (see above).

The access rights table indicates the hierarchical folder structure by indentation. Apart from the subfolders contained, the table also lists all objects for which the access rights have been changed individually.

An access rights table may also be displayed for other container objects like website folders, flow folders or tasks.

You can export an access rights table as PDF file and have it printed on your local computer. Use the export PDF button in the upper right-hand corner of the table.