Locking documents

You may set a temporary lock for a document to avoid conflicts when several authors concur­rently edit the document. A locked document may only be read by other users, it cannot be modified or replaced. Also, a new version cannot be generated.

      Select action  Access    Set Lock  in the action menu of the document and enter a lock note. Confirm by clicking [OK].

As lock owner, you may change the lock note any time without unlocking the document: click on the lock icon in the ‘Share’ column of the document entry. Using this very action, you may also unlock the document again by hitting [Unlock]. Instead of clicking on the icon you may also invoke this action via action  Access    Show Lock .

If you want to modify a document that has been locked by another user in spite of the lock, you may ‘steal’ the lock, sufficient access rights given.

      Click on the lock icon in the ‘Share’ column of the entry of the document locked, enter your own lock note and confirm with [Steal lock].

Now you have locked the document for other users and may modify it yourself. The former owner of the lock will be notified via e-mail. If you do not have sufficient access rights for stealing the lock, only the lock note will be shown to you. Stealing (or viewing) the lock may also be invoked by selecting action  Access    Show Lock  in the action menu of the document locked.

When you lock a document that you do not own, you become an additional owner of the document.