Registering as a new user

The configuration of a BSCW server determines whether and how one can register as a user. There are the following possibilities:

Self-registration is allowed for everyone.

Self-registration is not allowed, but all or certain users may invite other persons to register via their e-mail address.

Self-registration is not allowed, only the BSCW administrator can set up new users.

When registering yourself you proceed as follows.

      Open the home page of your BSCW server (e.g. http://your-bscw-server/pub/) and click [Register] in order to register with your e-mail address and eventually some more personal in­for­mation required (name, organization, telephone number).

      BSCW sends an e-mail message to the address given. This message contains a special URL which you have to open in your Web browser.

      Opening this URL brings up a form where you fill in your user name and password. For security reasons you may open the URL only once.

      After having submitted the registration form you can log in to your BSCW server using the user name and password chosen.

When you are invited to a workspace of a BSCW server by a user who is already a registered user of this BSCW server, you will receive an e-mail message from this BSCW server and you proceed as above starting with step 2.

When you are registered by the BSCW administrator you will receive your user name and password from the administrator. You can change the password, but you cannot change your user name.

Choosing your user name

Your user name serves as your public identity for the BSCW server. We recommend that you use your last name, possibly combined with your first name, as your user name.

Note: By default, BSCW does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters in user names.

The BSCW server requires user names to be unique. If your user name is already used by someone else on the server, BSCW will report an error in the registration procedure. In this case, you have to modify your user name, e.g., by adding your first name or a number.

Note: For security reasons you cannot change your user name.

Setting your password

In order to protect your information stored on the BSCW server, choose a sufficiently secure password and change it regularly. For security reasons concerning your local computer sys­tem, you should not use the same password for BSCW as for your local computer.

After submission of the registration form, BSCW is ready for your first login using the user name and password chosen.