Sending messages

You may send e-mail messages to contacts of your address book or of a contact list, provided these contacts have an e-mail address.

      Open your address book (e.g. using  GoTo    Address Book ) or a contact list and check those contacts which you want to send an e-mail message to. If you want to send a message to all contacts of a contact list, simply select  Edit    Select all .

      Select e-mail (E-Mail) or send e-mail (Send E-Mail) in the multi-selection toolbar, to send the mes­sage.

      e-mail (E-Mail) starts the e-mail form of your Web browser. BSCW has already entered the primary e-mail addresses of the contacts se­lect­ed into the ‘To:’ field. You may enter further e-mail addresses either manually or from the address book of your Web brow­ser.

      send e-mail (Send E-Mail) uses a BSCW specific action instead of the e-mail function of your browser. Depending on the configuration of your BSCW server, you may send e-mail messages and/or faxes. You may use your address book when entering the receivers of your messages.

      The ‘Send E-Mail’ form already shows the e-mail addresses of the contacts se­lect­ed in the ‘To:’ field. You may enter further e-mail addresses either manually or by selection from your address book that is shown when you click on one of the [To:], [Cc:] or [Bcc:] buttons. Enter subject and body of your message and confirm with [OK] to send the message.

      You may choose between sending an e-mail or a fax by using the respective buttons [Send Fax] and [Send E-Mail]. When sending a fax, you may also make use of your ad­dress book by clicking the [Fax-No:] button.

Depending on the configuration of your BSCW server, you may send an SMS to a contact with a mobile phone number

      by selecting action  Send SMS  in the action menu of the contact.

BSCW helps you to send an e-mail message to an ad-hoc selection of the members of a work­space (in this case, you are sure to have the e-mail addresses):

      Click the members icon next to the name of the workspace to display its members’ page.

      Click  Edit    Select all  and/or the individual check boxes to select the members to be in­cluded in your ad-hoc mailing list.

      Click e-mail (E-Mail) or send e-mail (Send E-Mail) in the multi-selection toolbar to send a message as it is described for contacts above.