WebDAV stands for “Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning”. It is a set of exten­sions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote Web servers. Using WebDAV, it is possible to upload files to a server or to rename files on the server.

BSCW supports the WebDAV protocol as a server so that you may use a WebDAV client, i.e. a client application also supporting the WebDAV protocol, to navigate through your work­spaces, open and edit documents, write them back to the server, transfer them from one work­space to another etc. Please note that WebDAV support must be activated for your BSCW server. If in doubt, ask your BSCW administrator.

The most relevant applications that support WebDAV include Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer and the Office package. In the following, we will concentrate on these ap­pli­cations (for other applications that also support WebDAV see www.webdav.org). They offer the following advantages if you use them for accessing BSCW via WebDAV:

Your BSCW workspaces are represented as Web folders in Internet Explorer and Win­dows Explorer. You may browse your workspaces as is usual in Windows Explorer.

You may copy, paste or delete the BSCW objects represented using ‘drag & drop’ or right mouse clicks.

You may open Microsoft Office documents directly within a Web folder – the corre­sponding Office application is launched automatically. After having edited the docu­ment, you may write the document back to the BSCW server by using ‘Save’ or ‘Save As...’ There is no need for a local save and subsequent upload.

In order to connect to a BSCW server using WebDAV on Windows 7, you first have to enable the WebClient service that is disabled by default. You check the status of this service as follows.

      In the start menu, select “Administrative Tools” and click “Management”; in the sub­sequent window, double-click “Computer Management”.

      In the details pane, double-click “Services and Applications”.

      Double-click “Services”.

      Scroll down, right-click “WebClient”, and click “Properties”.

      In the “Startup type” list box, click “Automatic”.

      Click [Apply].

      In the “Service status” section, click [Start].

      Click [OK].

To actually connect to a BSCW server you then proceed as follows.

      Open the folder “Computer” (either by double-clicking the respective icon on your desktop, from within Windows Explorer or from the start menu).

      Open the context menu by right-clicking an empty space of the folder window and select “Add Network Location”.

      In the “Add Network Location Wizard” click [Next].

      Confirm the selection “custom network location” by clicking [Next].

      Enter the full URL of your BSCW server into the field “Internet or network address” (e.g. https://your-bscw-server/bscw/bscw.cgi) and confirm by clicking [Next].

      Enter a name of the new network location (e.g. “BSCW server”) and click [Next].

      Confirm twice with [Next].

      Enter the URL of your BSCW server (e.g. http://your-bscw-server/bscw/bscw.cgi) and confirm with [Next].

      You will then be prompted for your BSCW user name and password.

      Enter a name for the new network location (e.g. “my BSCW server”) and click [Next].

      Activate the option “Open this network location after clicking [Finish]” and click [Finish].

If the new network location has been successfully created, it will appear in the Windows folder “Computer” and allows access to your BSCW server. Your home folder (‘Workspaces of your-user-name’) is accessi­ble via the alias folder ‘home’. You may now browse your workspaces using the Windows Explorer, and upload or download files (using copy and paste or drag & drop). Violations of restrictions concerning the use of special characters in BSCW document names are automatically corrected.

In case the method described above does not work (e.g. password dialog keeps popping up), please consult the FAQ (frequently asked questions) on WebDAV at the BSCW website (http://www.bscw.de) for hints on trouble-shooting.

The Microsoft implementation of WebDAV is not fully compliant with the WebDAV stan­dard, which leads to the following problems:

Dialog boxes and error messages are sometimes misleading.

Blanks and special characters in BSCW object names may not be represented correctly in the Web folder view of Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.

The superior folder is shown in the current folder.

Drag & drop within the same folder results in a copy operation.

Attention: In order to close the WebDAV connection to your BSCW server, it is not sufficient to close the browser window or to remove the WebDAV folder – the network connec­tion is still active! Now, if other people want to set up WebDAV under their own user name, still your pri­vate workspaces will open up in spite of the other person using the correct user name and pass­word. To avoid this, log off from Windows (“start > Shut Down... > Log off your-user-name”) and log in again. This is needed, when other people have access your local sys­tem.